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Staunton Academy



F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

"Staunton Academy of Ballet is everything you want your ideal ballet studio to be. They are a family run business that treats all of their students like part of that family, they are a huge part of the patchwork quilt that is the downtown Staunton community. SAB will give your dancer the training they need to both succeed as a dancer, but also as a well-adjusted adult. They prize hardwork and individuality in their students."

Corey Holmes


"Both my dancers are learning the true art of ballet, as well as commitment and fellowship. What a geat place we call our studio.... Thanks for being there for all those dancers."

DJ Stewart


"...Not only have they provided excellent classic ballet instruction, they are caring and compassionate people who are always willing to help famlies and their kids even beyond ballet...."

Heather Walden

C A L E N D A R 
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